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The Ladybugs' Recipes

Egg Foo Young
From:  Kt

2 T
1/2 tsp
1/2 - 1 T
1/4 c
1 c
1-1 1/2 c
3 - 4
soy sauce
finely sliced green onion (or minced onion)
drained bean sprouts
shredded cooked meat (chicken, turkey, pork, ham, crabmeat, shrimp)
eggs, well beaten (I start with 3 and add another if I need it!)
Oil for frying (vegetable or olive)

2 T
2 T
1 c
1/4 tsp
1/4 tsp
oil (or bacon grease if using pork!)
chicken broth (water or milk may be used here - especially if doing pork!)
white pepper
1 1/2 c
1 tsp
1 tsp
1 tsp
2 T
chicken stock
soy sauce
cold water

1.  Mix together all ingredients. It should look like it is mostly vegetable and meat. The egg and flour are there simply to bind the ingredients together.
2.  Using a ladle (or very large spoon) spoon the mixture into hot oil in a frying pan.
3.  Cook on medium high until set (rather like an omelette); turn over once and cook about another minute or until cooked through.
4.  Serve with gravy or the sauce below.

1.  Mix oil, flour, salt and pepper in a pre-heated skillet and cook over medium heat to make a roux.
2.  Gradually stir in broth and cook until a gravy consistency is reached.
3.  To vary the gravy, add some of the same shredded meat used in the main recipe.

1.  Heat stock with molasses and soy sauce.
2.  Combine cornstarch with cold water; stir it until smooth.
3.  Stir into hot mixture and bring it back to the boiling point and cook until thickened.

Makes 4 servings

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