1. On medium heat saute the chicken onions and celery in the butter until the chicken is done
but not browned.
2. Add 1 2/3 cups of water and bring to the boil.
3. Remove from heat and add the Stovetop
stuffing mix.
4. Stir and let cool.
5. While this mixture is cooling prepare sauce.
6. Use can to measure cheese, pack it tight.
7. I have never used anything but Monterey jack
cheese here the sharper the better.
The sauce is basically equal amounts of soup to cheese, however I like it a little
bit thinner and add a little more than half a can of milk.
8. Heat soup milk and cheese on medium heat till cheese
is melted set aside.
Baking:9. Preheat oven to 350ºF.
10. Spray a rectangular baking dish with
11. Place 1/8 or 1/10 of chicken and stuffing filling onto a tortilla and roll it up placing it in the baking
dish with the flap side down.
12. Each enchilada is a serving (Or half a serving if you are hungry) so they should
be fat. I find that about 10 will fit nicely into a 9" x 13" cake pan or 8 into my glass one. You'll need to experiment here.
13. Cover with sauce, making sure that all the tortillas are completely covered so they don't dry out.
Bake for about 1/2 an hour just to rewarm and set the sauce. The top should look very lightly golden brown.
This recipe works well with left over chicken and turkey too. We have made it that way and it is good, but I like it best
when you start from scratch.
Eat and enjoy. This is just as good warmed up later and freezes well too.