- In large glass bowl; melt margarine on high for 1 minute (till completely melted).
- Add sugar and evaporated milk.
- Mix thoroughly with a whisk.
- Microwave on high for 3 minutes.
- Stir.
- Microwave on high for 2 more minutes or until mixture boils.
- Stir very well.
- Scrape sides of bowl.
- Microwave for 5 1/2 minutes more.
- Then slowly stir in peanut butter. **
- Stir in marshmallow cream.
- Add nuts and vanilla and stir.
- Pour into a 9" x 9" foil lined pan.
- Refrigerate.
- Cut into squares and turn out onto flat surface.
This recipe comes from by b'day twin and neighbor, Mary. It is really good fudge!
** If mixture begins to get too thick while stirring in peanut butter, immediately add the marshmallow!