BB's Chili
1 lb 1 med 1 can 1 can 2
- 2 1/2 tsp 1/2 tsp 2 1 can |
beef onion, chopped tomatoes, chopped tomato sauce chili powder (per pound of ground beef) cumin (per
pound of ground beef) bay leaves water Rotel tomatoes with chile peppers (extra hot) - optional beans (at
least 3 kinds) |
- Brown lean ground beef and chopped onions.
- Drain off any fat.
- Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato sauce, chili powder, cumin, bay leaves, and some water.
- If you like a "kick" to your chili (and we do!), add one can of Rotel tomatoes with chile peppers, the "extra hot."
- Simmer all that for at least an hour.
- Add beans -- any kind you like, but at least 3 kinds -- chili beans, kidney beans (dark or light), pintos.
- Simmer for another 30 minutes or so.
Then.....this is the secret....we don’t eat it for at least a day,
after all the flavors have had a chance to "marry." It is one of our favorite cool weather meals. This recipe is not
exact, for I never make it exactly the same way!!