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The Ladybugs' Recipes

Tortellini with Prosciutto

From:  Sharisoda
18 oz
4 oz
1/4 c
8 oz
1/4 c
1/2 c
1/4 tsp
1 c
fresh cheese tortellini
prosciutto (or bacon) cut into strips
sliced mushrooms (I leave out)
grated Parmesan cheese
  1. Cook tortellini in salted water until tender.
  2. Saute the prosciutto in butter for 2 minutes.
  3. Add mushrooms and saute until brown.
  4. Add pasta and sherry and cook over low heat for 2 minutes.
  5. Stir in cream and pepper.
  6. Cook and stir gently until sauce begins to thicken.
  7. Add cheese and toss gently.
Yields: 4 servings

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