1. Preheat oven to 350ºF.
2. Line a 15" x 10" jelly roll pan with foil, then grease with unsalted butter.
(If you use salted butter, it will stick!)
3. Cover the pan with graham crackers, breaking them into pieces to fit
if necessary.
4. Only make one layer.
5. Arrange the pecan halves in rows evenly over the graham crackers.
6. Combine the butter, sugars, salt in a heavy saucepan.
7. Bring to a rolling boil stirring constantly.
8. Then spoon the cooked syrup over the crackers to coat.
9. Bake for 10 minutes, until topping is bubbly
all over the surface.
10. Immediately sprinkle with the chocolate chips.
11. Let the pan cool, then peel
off the foil.
12. Break into pieces and serve.