1. Mix the milk, water, butter and sugar in large heavy pot.
2. Bring to a boil.
3. Add the rice.
4. Reduce heat to keep mixture gently boiling for 50 minutes.
5. Stir occasionally, more frequently as
you get near the end of the cooking time, so the thickened mixture doesn’t scorch.
6. Beat together the eggs,
vanilla and ripe banana.
7. Remove rice from the heat and stir in some of the hot mixture to the egg mixture.
8. Add egg mixture back to rice and mix.
9. Add raisins if/as desired.
10. Return to heat, stirring
constantly, for 10 minutes to cook the eggs.
11. Spoon into serving or casserole dishes to serve.
May serve warm or chilled.
13. Dust top with cinnamon, if desired.
This recipe makes two 2-quart casseroles full - you may want to cut it in half!