1. Preheat oven to 350ºF.
2. Mix cake mix acording to directions.
3. Spread in greased jelly
roll pan.
4. Bake for 25min. (or until toothpick comes out clean).
5. Let cake cool.
Combine sugar, Crisco, margarine, vanilla, evaporated milk & salt and beat on high speed (using mixer) for 10-15min. At
first it will look cottage cheesy, then it becomes creamy.
7. Spread over cake (use all).
8. Refridgerate
9. When set, spread frosting over the top.
10. Put back in fridge. Let frosting set up.
Then slice while cold, using sharp, wet knife.
Note: I usually make the cake & do the spread in the morning. then at nite I frost it & let the whole
works set up overnite. Then slice.
Serves about 32