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The Ladybugs' Recipes

Ginger Peachy Fruit Salad
From:  Susie
2 T
1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp
1 T

1  can
apricot jam
almond extract
grated ginger root
cooking (or better) sherry
peaches, peeled & cut into chunks
pears, peeled & cut into chunks
(6.1oz) mandarin oranges, drained well

1.  Shake together apricot jam, almond extract, grated ginger, and sherry.
2.  Add to fruit, and mix well.
3.  Refrigerate at least 1 hour before serving.
4.  Add some homemade or store bought ginger cookies, or other cookies, on the side and serve in a pretty bowl.

Prep time: 15 minutes

Serves 3 (so adjust)

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