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The Ladybugs' Recipes

Reindeer Cookies
From:  Brenner

Refrigerator cookie dough
Chocolate chips
Red M&M candies
Thin pretzels (not the smaller ones)


1.  Preheat oven to temperature on package or in your original recipe.
2.  Use refrigerator cookie dough, either bought or homemade.
3.  Cut, mold, or roll 2 circles, one a little smaller than the other.
4.  Place the larger circle on top.
5.  The smaller one is below forming his face and nose.
6.  Use the chocolate chips for the eyes, the red M&M for the nose.
7.  The M&M should be placed toward the bottom of the smaller circle.
8.  Place 2 pretzels on the top circle for the antlers.
9.  Place the rounded side of the pretzel on the cookie so that the ends curl up like 2 pronged antlers.
10.  Overlap the cookie enough so that it will hold when baked.
11.  Gently press in.
12.  Bake cookies as directed on package or recipe.

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