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The Ladybugs' Recipes

Chocolate Truffles
From:  Sharin
1 2/3 c
7 T
1 lb
2 T
heavy cream
unsalted butter
semi-sweet chocolate, melted
Grand Marnier or Rum
cocoa for dusting

1.  Combine cream & butter in pan.
2.  Heat over medium heat just to boiling.
3.  Remove from heat and add chocolate.
4.  Stir until mixture thickens & cools.
5.  Add Marnier or Rum and mix well.
6.  Cover & refrigerate for about 2 hours.
7.  Remove and dust hands with cocoa as well as work surface.
8.  Form into 1 inch balls.
9.  Roll in cocoa.

Can also be rolled in nuts, sprinkles, etc.
Store refrigerated.

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