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The Ladybugs' Recipes

Semolina Berry Cake
From:  Lesley
1 1/2 c
3/4 c
2 tsp
1 tsp
2 c
1/2 c
fine semolina
caster sugar (“Superfine” sugar)
baking powder
butter, melted (3/4 c)
natural yoghurt (1 c)
vanilla essence
mixed fresh berries (or frozen ones, drained)
flaked almonds

1.  Preheat oven to180ºC (360ºF).
2.  Combine semolina sugar and baking powder in a large bowl.
3.  Blend in the combined butter, yoghurt and vanilla.
4.  Fold berries lightly through mixture.
5.  Spoon into greased and base-lined 20cm round tin. (greased & parchment lined 8" pan)
6.  Smooth surface.
7.  Press almonds lightly into top.
8.  Bake for 45-50 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when inserted into the centre of the cake.
9.  Allow to rest for 10minutes, before inverting onto a wire rack.
10.  Serve cake in wedges with cream and a dusting of icing sugar, if desired.

My family enjoyed this cake.

Here we have 2 kinds of semolina. A very fine one and a coarser one I prefer. This recipe uses the fine one.

Editor’s Note:  Semolina flour is a Durum wheat flour that is more coarsely ground than normal wheat flours, a result that is often obtained by sifting out the finer flour.

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